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Calculated Formula Fields In The DotActiv Software

The purpose of this article is to provide a brief explanation of a few of the commonly formulated fields used in the DotActiv software as well as how each of them is calculated.

Applicable Products: DotActiv Free, DotActiv Lite, DotActiv Pro,
DotActiv Enterprise

Forward Space

This is the two-dimensional area (facing forward) taken up by a product [Height * Width]. It is shown in metres-squared.

Forward Share

Forward Share calculates the two-dimensional forward space a product occupies across a planogram as a percentage contribution of the total forward space of all products

It’s a relative measure for ensuring brands receive the space they deserve on the shelf. What’s more, it’s done with the aim of enticing shoppers to purchase more.

For example, if you want to encourage customers to purchase more of a particular product, you could look to increase its share of space. Providing more space for a high selling product leads to more sales.

Cubic Space

Cubic space calculates the volume or space of a product on your shelf in cubic feet. It is the three-dimensional volume taken up by the product [ Height * Width * Depth], shown in metres-cubed.

You can also use this measurement to rationalise how much space to give to a sub-category or segment of a product if cubic share is calculated. Cubic share is the percentage of cubic space occupied. Depending on the category strategy, this should be aligned with an average between your sales and units contribution.

Linear Space

One-dimensional space. The total width of the product is taken in metres (or centimetres).

Areal Space

This is similar to forward space except that it would be the area from above (as in looking at the shelf from above). This formula is calculated as follows: [Width * Depth]


Profit is simply calculated as Sales minus the Sales as Cost

Gross Margin

Gross Margin is calculated as the Profit as a percentage over the Sales value.

% Linear, % Areal, % Cubic

These fields are calculated as the product’s Linear Space, Areal Space and Cubic Space as a percentage contribution of the total  Linear Space, Areal Space and Cubic Space of the gondola.

% Sales, % Units, % Store Stock, %Profit

These are calculated as the product’s Sales, Units, Store Bal Quantity and Profit as a percentage contribution of the total Sales, Units, Store Bal Quantity and Profit of the gondola.

The formula for %profit should be (([Fact.Retail.Profit]/GetColumnAggregate(“[Fact.Retail.Profit]”,”sum”)) * 100.

Eye-Level Position

Eye-level is considered the most lucrative product position on the shelf. This merchandising strategy is aimed at generating sales as shoppers tend to focus on these products. Depending on your strategy, place bestsellers, house brands or leading brands at eye-level. This is currently calculated as ⅔’s of the way up to where the product is positioned on the gondola.


Facings refer to the number of units packed next to each other (X facings) of a product on shelf.

Actual Facings

Actual facings refer to the number of units packed next to each other (X facings), as well as the products stacked on top of one another (Y facings) of a product on shelf.

Actual Facings Deep

Actual Facings Deeps refers to the number of units packed behind each other (Z facings) of a product on shelf.

Actual Facings High

Actual facings High refers to the number of units stacked upwards (Y facings) of a product.

Actual Fronts

Actual Fronts refers to the number of forward-facing units of a product. Thus this is calculated as X Facings * Y Facings.

Max Facings Deep

Max Facings Deep refers to the number of units of a product that can fit on the current shelf, stacked behind each other (Z Facings).


Capacity refers to the number of units of a particular product in a planogram. The formula to calculate capacity is Facings High multiplied by Facings Wide multiplied by Facings Deep.

For example, if you have 10 of the same products on a shelf and you pack ten behind one another and pack it one product high, your capacity is 100.

Along with Facings and Minimum Display Depth (MDD) and others, you can also refer to Capacity as causal data.

When importing any new planogram into the DotActiv software, the causal data writes to the database. From there it is exported to a staging table to be picked up and used by your inventory replenishment system.

Actual Caps

Actual Caps refers to the number of units stacked upwards lying on top of one another and on top of the normal front-facing products, usually flipped on its side.
Note: Caps can also be laid down below the front-facing products.

Actual Caps Deep

Actual Caps Deep refers to the number of the cap products packed behind each other. I.e If you lay down one product on top of the normal front-facing products, how many can fit lying down, one behind the other.


Congestion is a measure used in relation to your gondolas.

It refers to how full your gondola can be without it appearing messy. Every category has an ideal congestion level, based on the size of the products.

For example, the congestion level for a Baby Diapers category can be as high as 90% because the products are large. That’s not the same for a Stationery category where products are small and so more items on the shelf would mean the shelf appears messy.

Within the DotActiv software, this is available for reporting purposes, and you can view it in the Gondola’s properties window. Your congestion level automatically updates as you add or remove products from your planogram.

Weekly Movement

Weekly Movement refers to the number of units a product sold over a week’s period. Calculated using the Units value as well as the Period value of the gondola.

The weekly movement allows you to calculate your days of supply (DOS). It’s essential to consider it when attempting to understand the rate of sales and the overall movement of any product within your retail business.

Days Of Supply

Days of Supply refers to the number of days a product is on the shelf before replenishment would be required. You calculate DOS by dividing your capacity by the number of units sold per day.

Average Price

Average price is calculated as the Sales value divided by the Units value.

Average Unit Cost

Average Unit Cost is calculated as the Sales at Cost value divided by the Units value.

Stock Turn

Stock Turn is calculated as the product’s Units value divided by the Capacity on shelf.


GMROI is calculated as the product’s Profit value divided by the Store Stock.

ROII At Cost

This is calculated as the Profit divided by the Cost of the stock on shelf (Capacity).
Using the Moving Average Cost (MAC) product field of the product.

ROII At Retail

This is calculated as the Profit divided by the Selling Price of the stock on shelf (Capacity). Using the Selling Price product field of the product.

Updated on March 22, 2023

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