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What Is The Usual Support Response Time?

This article will discuss the usual response time of a support query associated with DotActiv Free, Lite, Pro or Enterprise.  At DotActiv, each support query is important to us and we aim to provide quick solutions.

Applicable Products: DotActiv Free, DotActiv Lite, DotActiv Pro,
DotActiv Enterprise

Our support team is available 24 hours a day, from Monday (01:00 AM) to Friday (23:59 PM) South African time (GMT+2).  We make use of an automated support ticket system, which assigns your support task to an available consultant.

You can expect an acknowledgement of your support ticket from a support consultant within an hour of first logging it.  The response time is also dependant on the current support call volumes our support team is experiencing.

There are also four different levels of task urgency – Low, Medium, High and Critical – to help us prioritise the workload.

While the task urgency level does not alter how quickly we respond, as we always strive to respond as quickly as possible, the levels do assist us in treating any issue with the relevant urgency and resolution.

Here’s a breakdown of how to classify the different task urgency levels:

  • Critical: The application is not usable/crashing. These types of issues would expedite the release schedule to make the fix available as soon as possible.
  • High: The application is unstable/intermittent crashes. These issues are resolved as soon as possible and released once tested internally.
  • Medium: The application is unstable in specific conditions. The user has a possible workaround. These issues are resolved as scheduled and released in the next release cycle.
  • Low: General support queries. Support is provided as needed and any fixes are included in the next release cycle.

For high priority tasks, we aim to resolve the issue within one day. For critical tasks, we aim to resolve the issue within three hours. For tasks that are under medium, we aim to resolve within 24 to 48 hours.

Updated on August 8, 2024

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