The purpose of this article is to provide you with a clear step-by-step process on how to snap lines and CAD objects to a specific angle while working with the DotActiv software.
CAD objects are found within floor planning and they act as single 2D or 3D objects. You can use them to create repeated content. This helps you save time and maintain consistency. These are also known as fixtures used to create a floor plan.
Snap Line Angle On A Floor Plan
After opening a floor plan, ensure that you are in the ‘Tools’ tab. Under the ‘View’ section, and then you’ll find ‘Snap Line Angle’ with a checkbox beside it.
Selecting the checkbox means that when you draw a new CAD object it will snap to a 45-degree angle.
If you untick the ‘Snap Line Angle’ box, you can draw a new CAD object at any angle.
Snap CAD Objects On A Floor Plan
After opening a floor plan, ensure that you are in the ‘Tools’ tab. Under the ‘View’ section, you’ll find ‘Snap CAD Objects’ with a checkbox beside it.
If you select ‘Snap CAD Objects’, new, as well as existing CAD objects, snap to their nearest neighbouring CAD object when moved.
If you untick the ‘Snap CAD Objects’ checkbox, CAD objects, both existing and new will not snap.
Editing Snap Line Angles
You can also edit the angle that your lines and CAD objects snap to.
Select ‘File’, then ‘Setup’, and click on ‘Application Settings’. Then, click on the ‘Objects Default/Settings’ section.
Once in the ‘Objects Default/Settings’ window, select ‘CAD Settings’ from the pane on the left-hand side. Here you’ll find a field labelled ‘Draw Snap Angle’.
Changing the value here will change the angle.
Snapping CAD objects to a specific angle and to each other within the DotActiv software is simple and convenient. Should the above steps not work for you, please create a support ticket and the DotActiv support team will assist you in uncovering the issue.