The Fundamentals Of Database Integration Data is the backbone of almost every modern business and is the foundation for trust. DotActiv’s superiority lies in our...
What Are The Staging Table Requirements For Database Integration? Database integration is the process whereby your retail data is extracted from different sources – POS database, ERP or SAP...
Comparison, Benefits, And Security Protocols Of DotActiv Hosting VS Client Hosting When the integration process starts, we need to establish the hosting party. While DotActiv can host and will provide a...
How To Set Up A New Database The purpose of this article is to explain how you can connect your DotActiv Pro or Enterprise software to your...
Is DotActiv And Activ8 Cloud-Based Or An Onsite Solution? This article will help guide you on DotActiv’s software application by explaining why DotActiv is an entirely onsite solution. We...