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The Fundamentals Of Database Integration

Data is the backbone of almost every modern business and is the foundation for trust. DotActiv’s superiority lies in our ability to produce outputs driven by pure and factual data. 

Through integrating a client’s database, whether this be a one-way or two-way integration, the collaboration and unification of data harnesses the vast software functionality.

What Is Database Integration?

Database integration forms a vital part of the service delivered by DotActiv. Database integration is when a client’s data is received, processed and imported into their DotActiv database, and makes data readily available for DotActiv consultants to work with. Merging the information from different sources into a single database instance, provides clear, understandable and usable results. 

At DotActiv, integrating the client’s database includes various roleplayers, including DotActiv IT, DotActiv Operations Manager, DotActiv Account Manager, DotActiv Production and the client’s IT. Each step depicted in the process is vital for accurate integration. The entire process initialises with a scoping session that will allow the DotActiv team and the client to align on the prerequisites of the process. The final steps in the process requires testing the database on both DotActiv and the client’s side. Thereafter, the database is signed off and earmarked as ‘Live’. 

Why Is Database Integration Essential?

The benefits of having an integrated database is boundless and supports DotActiv consultants to deliver an unwavering service. Simply put, data-driven outputs are dependent on the successful completion of the database integration. Database Integration will support the Cluster Optimisation, Range Optimisation, Floor Space Optimisation and Planogram Development functions. 

Data integration also allows for a consistent and clean flow of data that remains up to date and relevant. As the data imports continue, comparisons between historic and current data can be made in order to gain a deeper understanding of product trends, consumer behaviour and will allow accurate predictions to be made. Numerous consultants can work collaboratively with one set of centralised data and detailed reports can be extracted. By working with an integrated database, DotActiv is ensured of creating outputs based on one version of the truth. 

A detailed comparison between a one-way and two-way database integration and a list of benefits of each can be found here.

In essence, database integration is the gateway into an automated system that progressively endures the vast changes of the retail industry. The possible outputs gathered from a centralised database will allow DotActiv’s consultants to guide the client in a comprehensive and astute manner. It eliminates unnecessary errors by limiting human intervention when communicating data from the client into the DotActiv database.

Updated on July 10, 2024

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