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How To Setup And Save Gondolas And Island Fridges As Fixtures

The purpose of this article is to show you how to save gondolas and Island fridges as fixtures to be re-used later as templates. You can also pull them onto a floor plan from the Fixture Library.

Applicable Products: DotActiv Lite, DotActiv Pro, and DotActiv Enterprise

Setting Up Your Gondola

With DotActiv open, navigate to the ‘Space Planning’ tab.

Then, in the ‘Shelf Planning’ section, click on ‘New Gondola’. Give your gondola a name, make any necessary changes and click ‘Add & Close’.

Next, right-click on the gondola. Doing so brings up a context menu with the option to ‘Save As Fixture. Click on it, give your fixture a name, and click ‘OK’.

Setting Up Your Island Fridge

With DotActiv open, navigate to the ‘Space Planning’ tab.

Then, in the ‘Space Planning’ section, click on ‘New Island Fridge’. Give your island fridge a name, make any necessary changes and click ‘Add & Close’.

Next, right-click on the island fridge. Doing so brings up a context menu with the option to ‘Save As Fixture.

Click on it, give your island fridge a name, and click ‘OK’.

Adding Gondolas and Fridges To Floor Plans

With your floor plan open, ensure you are in the ‘Tools’ tab.

Next, locate the ‘Fixture Library’ icon in the ‘New’ section. Clicking on it opens up the Fixture Library in a dockable window on the right of your screen.

As seen in the GIF above, find the saved gondola or island fridge. Then drag and drop the fixture onto your floor plan to begin working.

Should the above steps not work, please create a support ticket and DotActiv support will assist you in uncovering the issue.

Updated on September 4, 2024
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