This article will show you how simple it is to find, edit and remove products in the DotActiv SQL database in DotActiv. This can be done by using the ‘Find’ function in the ‘SQL’ tab, or alternatively using the ‘Find And Edit Function’.
Finding Products in SQL
To search for a specific item in your SQL Product Drill on DotActiv, we have the ‘Find’ option.
In order to do this, Firstly open SQL by navigating to the ‘Data’ tab. Then, proceed to click on ‘SQL’ in the ‘Show’ section.This will open SQL in your selected Product Drill.
It is important to note that the following can only be done once a Product Drill has been set up. You can learn how to set up a Product Drill in this article.
Once your Product Drill Window has opened, navigate to the left-hand side of the screen. Right-click anywhere next to the field(s) and click on ‘Find’ in the drop-down menu.
The ‘Find Product’ window with all your views will appear on the next screen. Select the view you would like to use and add your search term to find your product.
Once you’ve added your search terms, you can click ‘OK’. A box with your ‘Data Views’ will appear and you can select your preferred data view.
Once you click ‘OK’, your items, if found, will display in your selected data view.
The gif below demonstrates the above steps. In this example, ‘Barcode’ is the field in the ‘Item Detail’ section of the database. We want to tell the system that it should look for the value we have pasted in that specific section and field.
Using The Find And Edit Icon
First, navigate to the ‘Data’ tab and click on the ‘Find And Edit’ icon in the ‘Show’ section.
Doing so opens a new window with all your selected columns. You can search for products in a column, by using a keyword. For example, Brand = Nivea. Then click ‘Enter’.
As seen in the GIF above, you can find all your results in the grid display.
Please note that before you can begin with the ‘Find And Edit’ icon, you need to set up your Admin View.
Read this article on how to set up an Admin View.
Editing And Updating Products
Open the ‘Data View’ of the line(s) you want to edit by selecting the Department, Category etc. This is where you will find the product(s) that you would like to edit.
Next, right-click and select ‘View Data/Images’. This will open a grid on which you can see all selected fields (as per the configured data view) for the relevant products.
Now, double-click on the cell which relates to the field (column) and product (row) which you would like to change so that you can start editing it.
Enter the updated information in the field in question, paying special attention to spelling, letter case and punctuation marks.
Please note that just the use of a space will result in the DotActiv SQL database reading two values with the same text as unique values. ‘DRBROWN and ‘DR BROWN’ will not be recognised as the same brand.
After filling in the new information, you will see the updated information is displayed in red text. This indicates that this is new or changed information that has not yet been saved in the database.
To save it, click on ‘Update Database’ in the ‘Tools’ tab at the top of the screen.
A window will open asking you to confirm which values to update. To confirm this, click ‘Update Database’ again. You will get a pop-up window confirming that the database was updated with the changes made. On the confirmation dialog, you will also notice that you also have the option to export this information into a CSV.
As seen in the gif below, you can also filter the view based on specific information you would like to see. For instance, identifying any blank fields.
Finding and editing data in the DotActiv SQL database is very easy once you have found your way around navigating the database. Once you have a clear understanding, it is very easy to locate products and classify lines.
How To Remove A Product From Your DotActiv Database
In order to remove a product from your DotActiv Database, you will need to delete the lines from your SQL Product Drills or your Data Views.
It is important to note that this can only be done when you have the required access set up on your DotACtiv Software User profile.
Navigate to your Product Drill and open your products you would like to remove in your View of Choice. Once you have your list of products, follow these steps:
Right-click the product(s) you wish to remove and click “Delete Line(s)”:
Once you get the pop-up to confirm, you can click “Yes”:
It is important to note that once you select ‘Update Database’ the products will be removed and can only be added by importing the product information again.
Once you’re happy with all the products you would like to remove, navigate to “Update Database” on the top right of your toolbar:
On the next screen, you will be greeted with a display of all the products you selected, you can also export this to a CSV if you choose to do so as per the below. If you’re happy with the products you removed, you can click “Update Database” and it will remove the items from your DotActiv Database:
Alternatively, you can delete items from your Data View by simply double-clicking on the item field(s), removing the text, and navigating to “Update Database” as seen in the gif below. Once updated, this will remove the product from your database.