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  3. My Data Does Not Display When Copying Data From One Planogram To Another Using The Split Window View

My Data Does Not Display When Copying Data From One Planogram To Another Using The Split Window View

The purpose of this article is to explain how to troubleshoot the issue of your data not pulling through when products are pulled to another planogram in DotActiv.

Applicable Products: DotActiv Lite, DotActiv Pro, DotActiv Enterprise

You can pull products as well as data from one planogram to another planogram by dragging and dropping the products from one to the other.

Pulling Data From One Planogram To Another

First, in DotActiv, open two different planograms. With both open, click on the ‘Data’ tab.

Once you have clicked on the ‘Data’ tab, you can click on the ‘Window’ icon in the ‘Show’ section. Here, you can choose to tile the two planograms vertically.

To copy products from one planogram to the other, simply hold down the shift key on your keyboard and drag the products over to the other planogram.

Please note after doing this, to ensure that all your data has copied over successfully, you will need to do a database refresh by simply following the steps in this article that covers how to import from Database and CSV to a shelfplan. This is to ensure the ultimate accuracy on both or all planograms.

If the above steps do not work for you, please contact our support team for assistance.

Updated on March 9, 2020
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