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  3. How To Set Up A Secondary Display Structure

How To Set Up A Secondary Display Structure


This feature is catered to those that have multiple stores of different sizes/types, where currently a hierarchy, cluster and range are based on only one size or type. For example, the category planning process is taken through the view of a large store and does not take the unique requirements of an extra small store into consideration.

The secondary display structure has been created to solve this discrepancy, where a unique hierarchy/ classification, cluster and range can be created for each different size or type without influencing the other.

This article will act as a guide on how to create a secondary display structure, and then on how to make use of this for clustering and ranging.

Applicable Products: DotActiv Enterprise

Ensure that you are working on a database before continuing with the following steps.

To log in to a database, open the DotActiv software. Select the applicable configuration, untick the ‘No Database’ box, enter the relevant details and click ‘OK’, as seen below.

Setting Up The Secondary Display Structure

In the following steps, we will show you how to classify the products within the secondary display structure in the DotActiv software. This display structure will be used for category-based clustering and ranging for the applicable stores. 

Step 1: To set up the secondary display structure data view which will allow you to classify the products, go to ‘File’, ‘Setup’ and select ‘Product View’. 

Once done, the ‘Product View Setup’ window will open, as seen below. 

Step 2: Create a new view or update an existing view. To create a new view, click on ‘New’ on the right-hand side of the window and select ‘Secondary Display Structure’ from the drop-down menu, as seen below.

You can now add the applicable display structure levels.

Double-click on the attribute you want to add or click on the arrow pointing to the right to add the attribute. 

Add in any other desired fields (barcode, product description, brand, primary display structure, etc). Once you are done, click ‘Save’, add a name to the view and ‘Close’.

Step 3: Next, you will need to classify the products in the secondary display structure. To do so, click on the ‘SQL’ button in the ‘Data’ tab. Navigate to the relevant display structure level, right-click on this level and select ‘View Data/ Images’. 

Once done, a window will prompt you to select the new or updated view, as seen below.

For steps on how to classify the secondary display structure, you can read more about product classifications in the DotActiv software here

Setting Up The Secondary Cluster Set

Step 1: To set up which stores are to make use of the secondary display structure for all of their category-based clustering/ ranging configurations, navigate to ‘File’, ‘Setup’ and select ‘Market View’.

The ‘Market View Setup’ window will appear, as seen below. 

Step 2: Create a new view or update an existing view. Click on an existing view or ‘New’ to set up a new market view and select ‘Cluster Detail’ from the drop-down menu, as seen below. Add ‘SecondaryClusterSet’ to the view by double-clicking or using the right-facing arrow and ‘Save’.

Step 3: Next, you will need to set the stores which are to use the secondary display structure. To do so, click on the ‘SQL’ button in the ‘Data’ tab. Navigate to ‘Markets’, right-click on the relevant level and select ‘View Data’.

Alternatively, you can select the relevant market view in the ‘Drill Paths’ section of the toolbar, as seen in the screenshot below. 

You will now tick the applicable markets/ stores that will be allocated the secondary display structure and click on ‘Update DB’ in the toolbar once done. 

Please note, the Primary Display Structure and Secondary Display Structure can’t be linked to the same set of stores, clusters or categories. The user should identify which Display Structure is most suited to their project or account.

Cluster Maintenance

Step 1: You can set up Cluster Maintenance for the Secondary Display Structure by navigating to the ‘Clustering’ tab and selecting ‘Maintenance’. 

The following window will appear. 

Firstly, select ‘Secondary’ for the ‘Cluster/ Store Set’ from the drop-down menu, as seen below.

To create the new cluster for the secondary display structure, select the applicable stores under ‘Store Selection’ as well as the applicable category under ‘Category Selection’.

Click on ‘Field Setup’ to set up the applicable fields. 

If you would like to make use of filters, navigate to ‘Filter Setup’ to do so. 

Once you have set up your fields and filters, you can set up the period by clicking on ‘Period Setup’. At DotActiv, we recommend using the latest 6 months. 

Once done, click on ‘Run’ and the ‘Cluster Maintenance’ grid will appear, as seen below. 

You can now give your cluster a name and save it, as seen below. 

Cluster Optimizer

Step 1: Navigate to the ‘Clustering’ tab, and click on ‘Optimizer’. The following window will appear. 

Step 2: Select yes when a template exists and can be used or select no if none exists and needs to be created.

Step 3: The Cluster Optimizer wizard will open. The first step is the ‘Cluster Set Selection’. Here, you first need to select ‘Secondary’ from the drop-down menu, as seen below. 

For more steps on how to complete the cluster optimisation process, read this article here.

It is important to note that you need to ensure Range Maintenance has SKUs ticked, before commencing with the steps above. 

Range Maintenance

Step 1: Navigate to the ‘Ranging’ tab, and select ‘Maintenance’. 

It is important to ensure that all ranges have SKUs ticked. (Can be the same for all as this will be updated after Range Optimizer)

Select the relevant category in the ‘Range Maintenance’ window, as seen below. 

Click on ‘Load Range’ and ‘Update DB’. 

Range Optimizer

Step 1: In the ‘Ranging’ tab, select ‘Optimizer’ to open the Range Optimizer. The following window will appear.

Step 2: Select yes when a template exists and can be used or select no if none exists and needs to be created.

Step 3: The Range Optimizer wizard will open. The first step is the ‘Cluster Set Selection’. Here, you first need to select ‘Secondary’ from the drop-down menu, as seen below. 

For more steps on how to complete the range optimisation process, read this article here.

Planogram Naming Conventions

Planogramming usually follows very shortly after assortment planning. With that said, it is very important to ensure that the naming conventions of your planograms are accurate as the secondary display structure will have a big impact on this. 

Let’s unpack this practically. We will use the CEREAL category as an example.

If you are building a one-drop planogram for a primary store, the naming convention of your planogram should look like this: ‘CEREAL_A RANGE_1.flp’

However, if you are building a planogram for a secondary store, the planogram naming convention would be: ‘CEREAL_A RANGE_1_SECONDARY.flp’

It’s very important to note that we use ‘SECONDARY’ at the end of the naming convention when we are working with a planogram applicable to the secondary clustering set. Reason being that the import utility will use this naming difference to determine if the planogram being imported applies to secondary clustering or primary and therefore, to which stores the planogram applies.

It is also worth noting that no cluster or NOD values may contain underscores as this might cause further issues. 

How To Set Up Your FLP Format To Include The Secondary Display Structure

For importing purposes, at least the ‘Category’ field under the secondary display structure section will need to be added to the ‘FLP Format’. This is important because the import utility will cross-reference each product’s category value in the planogram in the applicable hierarchy against the planograms category in order to identify cross-merchandized products. 

For this reason, the current primary hierarchy category field should be in the flp format already. We will now show you how to add the secondary display structure fields below. 

Step 1: Once you have completed the steps above, you need to set up your ‘FLP Format’ in the DotActiv software to include the secondary display structure. 

To do so, go to ‘File’, ‘Setup’ and select ‘Application Settings’, as seen below. 

Step 2: The application settings window will appear. Click on ‘FLP Format’ which is found in the ‘General’ tab.

Step 3: The following window will appear where you would need to add the secondary display structure fields by double-clicking on the relevant fields. 

It is important to note that we suggest you add the ‘Category’ field of the secondary display structure at a minimum. 

Once you have added all the relevant fields, click ‘OK’ and then ‘Yes’. 

You will now find the secondary display structure fields in the ‘Gondola Properties’ window as seen below. 

Should the above steps not work for you, please log a ticket for our IT Support team who is always willing to assist.

Updated on February 1, 2023

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