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How To Turn Images On Or Off

The purpose of this article is to help guide you on how to turn images on or off while working in DotActiv software. We also cover how to set up image filters and apply them to all open planograms.

Applicable Products: DotActiv Free, DotActiv Lite, DotActiv Pro, 
DotActiv Enterprise

Before Working With Images

Prior to turning your images on, please ensure that your image algorithm formula is correct and that you have saved your images to the correct directory.

Read the first section of this article on setting up mapped image formulas to understand how to do so.

Turning Images On And Off

After opening the DotActiv software, navigate to the ‘Tools’ tab and find the ‘View’ section. In this section, you’ll find the ‘Images’ icon.

This will switch the images on.

If you want to switch the images off, click the icon again. 

Setting Up Filters To Apply To All Open Planograms

This function allows you to set up image filters and apply it to all your open planograms.

First, click on the ‘Images’ icon drop-down and select ‘Setup Filter’.

In the window that appears, you can select a dimension to which you would like to apply the filter to. Select a field name within the selected dimension and select a value.

Once you have completed the selection, tick the box ‘Apply To All Open Planograms’ and tick ‘Enable Filters’. Then click ‘OK’.

If you navigate to your tabs where you have planograms open with the same products, you will see that the above filter has applied to all.

Should the above steps not work for you, please create a support ticket and DotActiv support will assist you in uncovering the issue.

Updated on July 9, 2024

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