The purpose of this article is to explain the Planogram Performance Review Report that can be found in DotActiv software.
Finding The Planogram Performance Review Report
After opening DotActiv, navigate to the ‘Space Planning’ tab, and open an existing planogram.
From there, click on the ‘Reporting’ tab and find the ‘Plano Performance’ icon in the ‘Shelf Plan’ section.

Clicking on the ‘Plano Performance’ icon pulls up a detailed three-page report. The report is generated based on data pulled from the product report and the planogram, but it exclusively includes products that are merchandised on the shelf, excluding any products that are not displayed.

Unpacking The Plano Performance Review Report
Page One
To the immediate right of the gondola summary, is the category hierarchy graph based on % Sales.
There is also an indication of the congestion percentage of the category, presented in a pie chart. To its immediate right is Cume % Sales by SKU graph as well as a Top and Bottom SKUs by Supplier (Sales).
At the bottom is a final graph titled ‘Forward Share vs % Sales vs % Units vs % SKU Count by Sub-Category.
Page Two
On page two of the Plano Performance Report, you’ll find three different facts and figures about your planogram.
- The category flow,
- Top and Bottom 10% Review By Sales, and
- Top and Bottom 10% Review by Days of Supply
Page Three
The last page is split into two different graphs.
- Top and Bottom 10% By Sales, and
- Top and Bottom 10% by Days of Supply.
Printing The Planogram Performance Report To PDF
To export, save and print the planogram performance report as a PDF file, follow the below steps:
With the Planogram Performance Report open, click on ‘File’ and select ‘Print’ from the dropdown menu. Select the programme you use to print to PDF. Microsoft Windows comes with a Print to PDF utility called Microsoft Print to PDF. There are also third party programmes that you can use.
Next, select the size of the document you want to print, be that A4, A3 and so on. Select the orientation of the document. You can choose between Landscape and Portrait.
From there, select ‘OK’ and select the output directory for the resulting file. You file will be saved in the directory as a PDF file.